Space Planning & Storage Optimisation Services

Whether you are moving into a brand new space or looking to revitalise your current one, let Ankersen Drake help you plan out furniture placement and storage solutions for your home.

Space Planning:

  • Let us plan out the optimal way to make use of your current furniture, or help advise you on which pieces to add in order for your home to reach its full potential.

  • In every step along the space-planning journey, your life and routine is taken into consideration, and everything is tailored to your needs.

  • Get in-person, in-home advice and space management planning.

A woman working on an architect's drawing to plan out storage space - Ankersen Drake professional organisers in London and surrounding areas

Storage Optimisation:

  • We can map out the ideal usage of storage around your home, which will both maximise the space and help support a smooth daily routine.

  • We also offer pre-build, storage-optimising advice to help you get ahead of the stress caused by a lack of storage space - let Ankersen Drake help you plan out purposeful and highly personal storage solutions ahead of home renovations. 

  • Whether helping out with existing or planned storage spaces, our expertise and knowledge of optimal storage systems can help you avoid wasting space, and instead focus on what you truly need to simplify and optimise your everyday life.

A serene kitchen and living space, clutter free with well-utilised storage spaces - project by Ankersen Drake professional organisers and declutterers
Storage space optimisation by Ankersen Drake - Ankersen Drake home organisers and declutters in Kent

To book a complimentary at-home consultation with one of our professional home organisers in London, please click here.

For information on our process and pricing, please click here.