Service Partnerships

At Ankersen Drake, we are always open to exploring mutually beneficial partnerships with businesses that are experienced in offering high quality services to clients like ours.

  • Our clients are often individuals with busy schedules and multiple staff members coming and going in their homes on a regular basis. In cases like these, they may be looking to hire a household management service. Ankersen Drake is always looking for brilliant individuals or established companies that meet our high standards of service that we feel happy and confident referring our clients to.

  • At Ankersen Drake, we often work with clients that wish to declutter their homes ahead of a house move. In these cases, having an established relationship with trustworthy and reputable moving companies means that we can leave our clients and their homes in the hands of trustworthy partners.

    Similarly, our experience in packing and unpacking for our clients means we are confident that we can be an asset to high quality moving companies looking to offer their clients a complete-package approach to relocation. We have worked with moving companies in the past, helping them streamline their process and assist in communicating with their clients. In these cases, we will usually arrive ahead of the moving team to pack up and prepare, as well as be ready at the other end of the move to fully unpack, organise and style the home.

  • On occasion, we have been contacted by clients looking to relocate from abroad. In these cases, we are happy to help them settle into their new homes - but they may need services that are beyond what we offer. In such cases, we work with dedicated relocation agencies that we trust to recommend to our clients, and are always open to expanding our network of partners.

For partnership enquiries please email

For business partnerships, please click here.