Business Partnerships

Due to the breadth of the services we provide, we are uniquely positioned to work alongside a number of other businesses, helping them increase both their revenue and customer satisfaction. Below, you will find examples of businesses we can collaborate with.

  • At Ankersen Drake, we can be an asset to both selling and buying agents.

    On the selling side, we can help your clients prepare their home for marketing by staging it for photographs and viewings, making it appear as attractive as possible to potential new owners.

    On the buying side, we at Ankersen Drake are familiar with clients’ concern over a lack of storage space in their new homes. Especially when downsizing, clients can have trouble envisioning all their belongings in a new space, which may stop them from signing on the dotted line. This is where Ankersen Drake is able to help: we can carry out a consultation, examining the storage at the prospective home and come up with a plan to best utilise the available space.

    On both sides of the sale, clients will need help moving out of their current home, and into a new one. Here, Ankersen Drake is also experienced in both liaising with moving companies as well as overseeing the actual move; clients are even able to go on holiday and leave the entire transition up to us, returning to their brand new, well-organised and beautifully styled home.

  • As experts at optimising storage space and creating beautifully organised systems in homes, we at Ankersen Drake find that our work beautifully compliments that of interior designers.

    After having completed extensive renovations and decorating jobs, designers may find themselves being asked by their clients in exactly what state their new home will be handed over to them. While organising and placing personal belongings back into a home is not typically the kind of task that an interior designer will undertake, Ankersen Drake are specialists in exactly this. We will be happy to take over where the designer finishes to deliver the final touches; unpacking and creating new storage systems that are fit for a newly renovated home.

  • At Ankersen Drake, we have worked with many residents of newly built developments around London. While the clients are often happy with the high-spec interiors of their new homes, they find that they’re lacking in storage space - something that we at Ankersen Drake believe might be holding other potential buyers back from relocating to these new developments.

    As space planning is one of our areas of expertise, we at Ankersen Drake believe that property developers could benefit from keeping our services in mind as an offer for potential buyers, helping them to visualise how they might be able to make the most of the properties.

    Should they decide to buy, we are also available to help with every step of their transition into their new home - be it packing up their belongings and unpacking them at the other end of the move, helping them shop for brand-new furniture, or putting the finishing touches on the styling of the property.

  • With our expertise in assisting clients with relocating and downsizing, working in partnership with senior living facilities is right up our street. At Ankersen Drake, we know how challenging it can be to have to move to a senior living apartment, often from a beloved family home - both logistically and emotionally. We pride ourselves on our ability to help make this transition as stress-free as possible through our assistance in packing, overseeing movers, and helping our clients settle into their new surroundings.

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